Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oh for crying out loud

posted by peppermint at 2:15 PM

Last night I made a big pan of lasagna, and since my recipe has been problematic the last couple of times I've made it (i.e. it would fall apart when lifting it out of the pan) I finally tweaked a couple of things in an attempt to make it denser - or less "fally aparty," if you will. And as luck would have it those couple of tweaks resulted in a lasagna that was so good it could bring a tear to your eye. Tom seriously cried when he was eating it, and Nicholas and I pointed at him and called him a "crybaby" because that's how we deal with displays of emotion around here. Ridicule.

Ok, so maybe he didn't cry. But it was good lasagna.

We each only had one piece, so there was practically a full pan left. So you know what I did after supper? I put the lid on the pan and set it on top of the cooktop so it could cool off before putting it in the fridge - otherwise all the condensation gets into the lasagna and it winds up being a watery, soggy mess when you reheat it.

Then we sat down to watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Nicholas has now seen all of them, and is particularly impressed with all the "face melting off" parts in all three movies. The fact that he doesn't wake up in a cold sweat, screaming in the middle of the night means that he's really growing up. :: tear wipe ::

Then Nicholas went to bed and Tom and I watched two episodes of Las Vegas.

Then we went to bed because it was 1am.

And the lasagna? It sat out all night.

That sound you may have heard this morning was me banging my head against my kitchen counter screaming "WHY!?!?!"


Blogger Jennifer said...

Oh the PAIN!!!! I've done that... the result is never pretty.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!! That story is all too familiar...did the same thing with a wonderful cheesecake over Christmas...I was PISSED!

Stacey Germain

3:15 PM  

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