Friday, January 04, 2008

Hair-brained ideas

posted by peppermint at 10:50 PM

I got it in my head tonight that I wanted to install a script to manage my photos for the 365 Project and after configuring the PHP file and uploading everything to my webspace I found that I ... uhhh .. have a Windows hosting plan, which won't support PHP. So I had to request that my plan be switched to Linux, but I'm not entirely sure how long the account change will take. Up to 72 hours, I guess. The only thing the switchover seems to be affecting right now is my image directory.

I can still post a

to Tom's dad today. I think I'm just barely making it in under the wire at 11:50 EST, but it still counts! Normally I'd post a picture of some sort, but since my images are down right now it wouldn't make much sense.

In honor of the release of the new Indiana Jones LEGO sets, we're watching Temple of Doom tonight with Nicholas. Tom and I both remember this movie as being very cutting edge back when we were kids. When we watch it now it's lost a bit of its magic, but now Nicholas finally knows why we think we're so funny when he asks what's for supper and we both say "Chilled Monkey Brains".

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